Sunday, February 21, 2010


YOU make plans to leave home for a couple of days and what do you do? You heed the call being made by the police time and again and inform the nearest police station. The record your details of departure and arrival and contact numbers and what happens when you come back in four days time?
Your house is burgled, ransacked and you are relieved of whatever cash and jewellery you had stashed away discreetly in your house.
Your privacy as been encroached, you feel intruded, your life had turned into a nightmare from what was to have been a joyful break.
1. The stupid policeman in the station can actually say that they cannot keep watch on your house 24 hours a day.
2. They say they are understaffed and only have three personell in that station.I ask myself then why bother opening a police station to give a false impression of a police presence in the area.
3. You are definitely not safe in your country.
4. I know for a fact that as a Malaysian, I am not safe in my country, in my neighbourhood, in my streets, anywhere for that matter.
5. What's the police for. To set up roadblocks and talk to motorists in the dark I guess.
6. Who's to blame? The police of course.
7. Were the neighbours alert? What neighbours? They only know how to say "Tak Tahu" and complain about your chiku tree encroaching in their space.

So what do we do?

1. DOn't inform the police.
2. HAve an alarm system only as a deterrent. Chances are the police would be too understaffed to respond.
3. Rear a dog. It too can be poisoned.

I hope the intruders who ransacked my home and robbed me rot in hell with the police in tow.

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